RC Safety
RC Safety is always Important!
Flying Airplanes is a lot of fun.
Also remmember to keep yourself and others from harm.
Listed below are the correct steps that you should follow
Always check your airplane properly before flying.
Check your radio Frequency for flight clearance before
you turn on the transmitter.
Pilots cannot fly on the same channel.
Join a Local Flying Club if possible.
Join the AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics) and get
Listed below is the following you should NEVER do!
Fly near power lines.
Fly your airplane too far away.
Fly in very high winds.
Fly in an area too close to houses or trees.
Fly near an airport or freeway.
Fly if 2 or more planes are already in the air.
Fly if your reciever battery is low
Always charge it before flying.
Always use EYE googles or some type of
eye protection when starting an rc airplane engine!
Do not use your bare hand, when attempting
to flip the propeller of an rc airplane engine use an electric
If you suffer a serious injury at the flying field, call 911 for emergency help!
Never attempt to fly, if you see lightning or heart thunder!
If you are already flying, and see lightning or hear thunder land your airplane IMMEDIATELY!
Do not stand in the middle of an open field when you see
lightning of hear thunder, seek shelter in a vehicle or some place indoors!
KEEP these Guidelines in Mind!
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